North Carolina Veterans' Memorial

This memorial is dedicated

to the heroic men and

women of North Carolina

who served in America's

wars. As long as the flame

of freedom burns, the

memory of their sacrifice

for peace shall endure.

(east side)

World War I

1917 - 1918

Major Engagements of World War I

Cambrai • Aisne Marne • Meuse • Argonne • Somme Defensive • Soissons • Montfauson • Lys • Ourcq River • St. Quentin • Aisne • Vesle River • Blanc Mont • Cantigny • Somme Offensive • Bois de Foret • Chateau-Thierry • Oise-Aisne • Cunel Heights • Belleau Wood • Ypres-Lys • Romagne Heights • Noyon-Montdidier • Juvigny • Vittorio-Veneto • Champagne-Marne • St. Mihiel • Barricourt Heights

(north side)

World War II

1941 - 1945

Major Engagements of World War II

Pearl Harbor • Philippine Sea • Cassino • Bataan • Guam • Normandy Invasion • Java Sea • Leyte • Cherbourg • Corregidor • Leyte Gulf • Battle of the Hedgerows • Coral Sea • Luzon • St. Lo • Midway • Iwo Jima • Mortain • Guadalcanal • Mindanao • Argentan-Falaise • Papua • Okinawa • Southern France • Bismarck Sea • Battle of the Atlantic • Metz • New Guinea • North Africa • Aachen • Rabaul • Sicily • Huertgen Forest • Bougainville • Salerno • Battle of the Bulge • Turawa • Volturno River • Alsace • Biak • Rapido River • Remagen • Saipan • Anzio • Ruhr Pocket

(west side)

Korean War

1950 - 1953

Major Engagements of the Korean Conflict

Osan • Ch'Ongch' on River • Wonsan • Kum River • Kunu-Ri • Songjin • Taejon • Changjin Reservoir • Ch'Orwon • Pusan Perimeter • Yudam-Ri • Kumhwa • Naktong Bulge • Kot' O-Ri • Bloody Ridge • Tabgu • Hungnam • Heartbreak Ridge • Inch' On • Wonju • Old Baldy • Seoul • Chip' Yong-Ni • Pork Chop Hill • P' Yongyang • Unsan

Marker can be reached from the intersection of East Edenton Street and North Wilmington Street.


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