North Hampton Veterans Memorial

In memory of those who served God and Country.

[Post 4358 Veterans Panel on Memorial]:

Post 4358

Gerald Armstrong •

George Armstrong •

Harry Baker •

James Baker •

Robert Donnelly •

Glen Fuller •

Robert Fuller •

Howard Grieser •

Clarence Gruse •

Virgil Hoberty •

Robert Hardman •

Floyd Johnson •

Lyman Lipincott •

Kenneth MacGillivray •

Robert MacGillivray •

Archie Miller •

Phillip Neese •

George Trego •

Rebert Wade •

Joseph Scott •

James Seivert •

Roy Shaffer

[Post 11114 Veterans Panel on Memorial]:

Post 11114

Charles Baker •

Raymond Black •

Joe Brown •

Ralph Deaton •

Robert Ebbs •

Donald Fox •

Gary Gebhart •

Howard Grieser •

Nancy Houck •

Clyde Hyland •

Willie Jackson •

Ben Jenks •

Fred Loeffler •

David Lonsbery •

Harry Massie •

Ray Mathena •

Donald Mumma

Paul Overholser •

Harold Patton •

George Ream •

Gary Ream •

Lanny Sartor •

Bobby Shafer •

Robert Shafer •

Thomas Shepard •

Richard Smith •

Roy Smith •

Donald Urban •

Robert Watkins •

Richard Williams

Marker is on Troy Road (Ohio Route 41) ¼ mile west of Dialton Road, on the right when traveling west.


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