North Salem World War I Memorial

Erected by the Citizens of

The Town of North Salem

dedicated to those who served their country in

1914 The World War 1918

John F. O’Ryan Major General 27 Division • H. Francis Jaekel Major 106 U.S. Infantry • Louis Fancher Capt. M.B. Gen. Staff • Floyd Y. Keeler Capt. M.B. Gen. Staff • Donald T. MacPhail Capt. Medical Corps • William S. Welch 1st Lieut. Air Service • George L. Hanshaw Ensign U.S. Navy


Henry Camilli • Romaine L. Lenz • George A. Smith


Edward Conroy • Edward F. Ostrander • Frank L. Parkus Jr.


George Barhite • Henry L. Brown • Adrian J. Byington • Clarence M. Byington • Harold McK. Byington • Philip J. Doyle • Edwin E. Ganun • Francis J. Grady • Martin T. Grady • Joseph Jones • Frederick P. Leonard • Antonio Pongetti • Nazzareno Pongetti • George Potter • Thomas F. Potter • Benjamin H. Smith • Uel B. Smith • Thomas F. Stinson • James Tilford • Nazzareno Torcellini

* Made The Supreme Sacrifice *

Albert J. Lobdell Jr. near Bony, France • John F. Potter La Courtine, France

Marker is at the intersection of Titicus Road (New York Route 116) and Turkey Hill Road, on the left when traveling east on Titicus Road.


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