North State Hotel

On this exact site a three story brick building was erected in 1852 by John Motz and known as Motz Hotel, Leading hotel in western North Carolina. Fulfilling need, as Lincolnton was the most important town west of Salisbury. Purchased 1862 by Dr. Samuel Lander for Lincolnton Seminary, Female Boarding School. Toward the end of the War Between the States, the hotel and the entire town received large numbers of South Carolinians fleeing the invasion of Sherman by following the railroad north to Lincolnton. 1870-71 headquarters of the Pennsylvania 7th Cavalry, Company C. In 1891 a corporation purchased the property and operated it as the North State Hotel. One member of the corporation was K.L. Lawing whose family sold the property to Lincoln County in 1966. Thomas A. Edison stayed here in 1906 seeking cobalt for storage battery.

Hand-made brick from original building used to build this marker. Building razed in January 1968 for court house parking.

Lincoln County Board of Commissioners

John R.Gamble, Jr., M.D. Chairman • James W. Warren, V.Chm

Louie M. Aderholt • Don W. Cherry • A. Ferd Houser

Fred M. Houser, County Manager

Marker is at the intersection of Court Square (North Carolina Route 27) and West Main Street, on the right when traveling south on Court Square.


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