Not So Little A Farm On the Prairie...

The agricultural censuses for 1860, 1865, and 1870 make it clear that J.B. Mahaffie had one of the most valuable farming operations in the township.

In 1865, J.B. owned 570 acres of land, with 240 of them enclosed by fence. The total cash value of the farm is given as $6000, and the value of farm machinery at $435. Only one other farm in Olathe Township lists the same total cash value, and only one other farm has a slightly higher value for farm machinery at $500. Most of the more affluent farms list a total cash value of $2000 to $3000.

In 1865, the Mahaffie farm was home to:

• 10 horses

• 4 mules

• 20 milk cows

• 8 working cattle (oxen)

• 40 other cattle (beef cattle and/or breeding stock)

• 30 sheep (for wool more than meat)

• 14 hogs

The farm produced in the year ending May 1, 1865:

• 300 bushels wheat

• 2000 bushels corn

• 300 bushels oats

• 50 tons hay

• 100 bushels potatoes

• 600 pounds butter


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