Clearwater Battlefield, Idaho

By July 7, five “non-treaty” bands had gathered at this site near the South Fork of the Clearwater along Cottonwood Creek: Chief Looking Glass’s Band, Chief Joseph’s Wallowa Band,Husishusis Kute’sPalouse Band, Chief White Bird’s Salmon River Band, andToohoolhooltzote’sBand from the country between the Snake and Salmon rivers.

“The battle continued some hours. It must have been 10 o’clock, and soldier bullets still rained... Our commanders were not scared of bullets, not afraid of death, but they fought fiercely.... Many fewer than 100 warriors met the hard fighting here.”

– Hímiin maqsmáqs (Yellow Wolf) 

On July 11, one of General Howard’s aides, Lieutenant Robert Fletcher, discovered the large encampment of the “non-treaty” Nez Perce at Cottonwood Creek. The soldiers red a cannon on the unsuspecting Nez Perce. The Nez Perce warriors traveled quickly to the top of the ridge where the battle occurred. The Nez Perce warriors, excellent marksmen, fought fiercely. But in the end, the Nez Perce were driven from their camp. 

The Clearwater Battlefield is interpreted at a roadside pullout on the west side of Idaho Highway 13, approximately 2 miles south of Stites, Idaho. The battle site itself is located on private property, making it inaccessible to the public.

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NPNHT AutoTour Route 1 Brochure