Dunwell's Ferry

(Mile 52 US Highway 12)

Gold Rush Ferry- In 1877 Dunwell's Ferry was located at present-day Greer, Idaho. General Howard had originally planned to have a detachment of volunteers cross here, go to Weippe, and squeeze the Nez Perce between the force from Weippe and his force from Kamiah. Those plans were foiled when the Nez Perce left Kamiah before volunteers could reach Weippe. 

The volunteers had other problems getting to Weippe. The ferry house had been burned and the boat cut adrift. Without a means to cross the river, the volunteers returned to Kamiah to rejoin General Howard.

Following the Clearwater Battle, the Nez Perce crossed the Clearwater River on July 13, 1877 while Nez Perce warriors kept advancing U.S. soldiers at bay. 

“When they reached the riverbank they fired across at them. Many soldiers jumped from their horse and ran to any shelter they saw. Others galloped fast back toward the hills, we laughed at those soldiers.”

– Yellow Wolf (Hemene Moxmox) Nez Perce Warrior 

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NPNHT Auto Tour Route 2 Brochure