Looking Glass

(Mile 75.9 US Highway)

Interpretive sign, “Peet-Kehk-Yoot (Attacked) Destruction of Looking Glass Village” 

In the village of Clear Creek, Chief Looking Glass (Elelimyete_ qenin_ (Wrapped in Wind)) and his band had just awakened on the morning of July 1 when they saw troops approaching. Until this time they had maintained their neutrality in the escalating conflict between the non-treaty Nez Perce and the U.S. government

Looking Glass sent Peopeo Tholekt to parley with the soldiers.

“I am Peopeo Tholekt. Looking Glass is my Chief. I bring you his words. He does not want war! He came here to escape war. Do not cross our side of the little river.
We do not want trouble with you whatever!”

– Peopeo Tholekt (Bird Alighting), Nez Perce Warrior

While they were talking, a gunshot rang out,and a villager was wounded. 

Captain Winters and Lieutenant Rains and a large majority of thesoldiers were eager for the fight, but were held in check by the Colonel. Our boys finally became indignant and opened re. They killed a few Indians, burnt their lodges, and drove off about a thousand ponies.

Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman July 14, 1877 

Credits and Sources:

NPNHT Auto Tour Route 2 Brochure