Camp at Ross Hole

On August 5, the Nez Perce traveled up Spring Gulch, across Low Saddle on the north side of Sula Peak, dropped down into Ross Hole and camped near present-day Indian Trees Campground before crossing the Continental Divide.

 We traveled through the Bitter Root Valley slowly. The white people were friendly. We did much buying and trading with them. No more fighting! We had left Howard and his war in Idaho. 
– Yellow Wolf (Hímiin maqsmáqs) 


Scarred Trees 

The Salish and the Nez Perce, among others, stripped the bark from the ponderosa pine trees to eat the sweet cambium, or inner bark. These scarred trees can still be seen at Indian Trees Campground and hiking trails in the area. 

Credits and Sources:

NPNHT Auto Tour Route 3 Brochure