Nez Perce Reach Big Hole

The steep trail over the Continental Divide was familiar but difficult. After the climb, and one night at Trail Creek, the Nez Perce made camp on the banks of a clear, cool stream where the forested mountains meet the green meadows. Horses grazed. Women cut lodge poles and gathered roots. Children played and men hunted game. They had made it to the Iskumkselalik Pah; meaning place of the ground squirrels.

That night the warriors paraded about camp, singing, all making a good time. It was first since war started. Everybody with a good feeling. Going to the buffalo Country! No more fighting after Lolo Pass. War was quit. 
– Yellow Wolf (Hímiin maqsmáqs) 

Most of the Nez Perce believed they could relax and savor their freedom. Still, a few questioned Chief Looking Glass’s optimism. Several young men wanted to scout back along the trail for signs of trouble. Chief Looking Glass would not agree and said that scouting would violate trust in their peace agreement with the Bitterroot settlers. 

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NPNHT Auto Tour Route 3 Brochure