Crandall Creek Bridge and Sunlight Creek Bridge, Wyoming

General Howard’s troops took the Lodgepole Trail from Crandall Creek and probably crossed Sunlight Creek about 5 miles upstream from here. Colonel Sturgis, however, could not find a trail leading from the Park and was convinced that the immediate country was impassable.

Troops, gathering intelligence from the top of a nearby mountain, had seen the tribesmen moving and had assured Colonel Sturgis, “…that from the point where the Indians had disappeared behind the mountain range, it was altogether impossible for them to cross over to Clark’s Fork, and that they must necessarily debouch on the Stinking Water.” This led him to move south to the Stinking Water (Shoshone River) in hopes of intercepting the Nez Perce.

Credits and Sources:

NPNHT Auto Tour Route 7 Brochure