Belfry, Montana

On the evening of September 11, General Howard was camped on the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River just a few miles south of Belfry when he was finally joined by a frustrated Colonel Sturgis. According to a witness, “[Sturgis was] so bitterly chagrined at the escape of the Indians from one of the best laid traps of nature and man that he exclaimed: - ‘Poor as I am I would give $1,000 if I had not left this place.’” Perhaps to make up for his error in judgment, Colonel Sturgis roused his hungry men early the next morning and set off on a quick march up the Clarks Fork to the Yellowstone after the Nez Perce.

“We had nothing to eat, so we merely drew our belts one hole tighter, took a drink of water, threw the saddles on our horses… and hit the trail.”
– Unnamed trooper

By the time Colonel Sturgis’ men made camp for the night they had been in the saddle for 18 hours and covered more than 60 miles.

Credits and Sources:

NPNHT Auto Tour Route 7 Brochure