Cow Island, Montana

Intrepid Travel: roads are gravel or dirt roads. Please be sure your vehicle is appropriate to those conditions. With even a slight bit of rain the Missouri Breaks can turn treacherous. The mud of these dirt roads becomes a gumbo that clings to tires and collects in wheel wells. The road itself can become extremely slick. Even when dry, these roads can be very rough and rutted.

After leaving Cow Island the leadership of the Nez Perce passed from Poker Joe to Chief Looking Glass.

Looking Glass upbraided Poker Joe for his hurrying; for causing the old people weariness; told him that he was no chief, that he himself was chief and that he would be the leader. Poker Joe replied, “All right, Looking Glass, you can lead. I am trying to save the people, doing my best to cross into Canada before the soldiers find us. You can take command, but I think we will be caught and killed.”
- Many Wounds

Credits and Sources:

NPNHT Auto Tour Route 8 Brochure