Oak Grove Veterans Memorial

picture of Stylized Eagle

In Memory of the Members of the U. S. Armed Forces who made the Supreme Sacrifice in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam

S/Sgt. Frank R. Bailey . . . Africa

Cpl. Thomas W. Davis . . . . Germany

PFC. Harry Dobbins . . . . . Germany

Lt. Lloyd W. Ewing . . . . . Iwo Jima

Pvt. Jack A. Johnson . . . . Belgium

Lt. Martin L. Robinson . . . Australia

Sgt. Dale F. Stump . . . . . India

Wilbert O. Haines . . . . . South China Sea

PFC. Guy H. Johnson . . . . Northern Luzon

S/Sgt. Robert L. Clampitt . Tinian Island

Sgt. Harold F. Wilson . . . Korea

Sgt. William W. Sherman . . Vietnam

Pvt. William A. Michael . . Vietnam

Marker is on SE Cemetery Road 0.1 miles north of E Hillside School Road, on the right.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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