Oakville World War II Memorial

Large Plaque:

Dedicated to the honor

and sacrifice of our men

and women who served our

country in World War II

Honor Roll

(646 names are listed. 23 with stars who did not return.)

Erected to record their names

by the citizens of Oakville

Small Plaque:

Killed in Action

1950 Korea 1955

McDonald, Roderick

Montagna, Alfred

1964 Vietnam 1973

Carney, James Jr.

Ferry, Ray L.

Garceau, Thomas L.

Rolfs, Gerhard

Smith, Clinton A,

Vaughn, Raymond W. Jr.

Marker is on Main Street (Connecticut Route 73) 0.1 miles north of Hillside Avenue, on the right.

Courtesy hmdb.org

Credits and Sources: