Ohio at Chattanooga

November 23-25, 1863

The battle of Chattanooga occupied three days; the first, Nov. 23d, Orchard Knob; the second, Lookout Mountain; the third, Missionary Ridge.

Gen. Rosecrans who commanded the Army of the Cumberland until relieved before the battle by Gen. Thomas, and Gen. Sherman, commanding the Army of the Tennessee, were from Ohio. Gen. Grant, commanding the combined forces, was born in Ohio and appointed thence to West Point. Three of the 15 Divisions, ten of 38 Brigades were commanded by Ohio officers. Of 227 Infantry organizations, 65 were from Ohio; of 54 Batteries 13; of the 8 Cavalry regiments 4. The Division Commanders were Barnett, Ewing, Sheridan; the Brigade Commanders were John Beatty, Samuel Beatty, Cockerill, Harker, Eli Long, Dan McCook, Phelps, Orland Smith, VanDerveer, Walcutt. The co-operating force from Chattanooga for reopening the riverline of supplies at Brown's Ferry, Oct. 27th, according to Gen. Rosecrans' plan, consisted of Hazen's and Turchin's Brigades, and the 18th Ohio, a total of 17 regiments of which 12 were from Ohio.

Of the total, 5,475, killed and wounded, 31.1 percent were Ohio Soldiers.

Of 115 officers killed or mortally wounded, 45 were from Ohio.

Marker is on South Crest Road 0.1 miles from Ridge Road, on the right when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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