Old Carnegie Library

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The first formal meeting to organize a library association was held at Andrew College in April 1878 with Dr. A. L. Hamilton presiding. The thirteen members of the Cuthbert Library Club offered their book collections, and Judge John T. Clark offered space in his office for the headquarters. The Cuthbert Book Club, operating from 1905-1907, was the next library organization. In 1917, a library board consisting of Mrs. J. B. Bussey, Chair; Mrs. Julian B. Edings, Mrs. John D. Gunn, Mrs. Charlie Harris, Mrs. G. Y. Moore, A. A. Lockett, A. C. Moye, B. B. Teabeaut and E. C. Teel was appointed to work with the Cuthbert Woman’s Club to secure funding from the Andrew Carnegie Foundation.

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To raise the matching funds, the Cuthbert Woman’s Club spearheaded the effort by having oyster suppers, a womanless wedding, turkey dinners, and ice cream festivals. The first brick was laid on October 17, 1917. On September 5, 1918, the debt was cleared, and the library was officially dedicated. Emily Hillyer Owen became the first librarian. The next librarian, Ida Domingos, served for 27 years. The Carnegie Library Building became the Randolph Chamber of Commerce headquarters in 1997 when the new building was built.

Marker is at the intersection of North Lumpkin Street and Pearl Street, on the right when traveling north on North Lumpkin Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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