Old French Trail

1878 - 1930

Fresno Flats (Oakhurst) was the western end of the Old French Trail (Fresno Flats Trail). Built by J. S. French, it was 54 miles long and a vital east - west route for supplies, mail, equipment and pioneers through the Sierra Mountains.

It connected the mining camps of Mammoth City, Mill City, Mineral Park and Pine City with Fresno Flats. The one way fare was 15 dollars per person and 20 lbs free weight was 8 cents per pound.

After the mines failed in the 1880's, the trail was used as the route from Fresno Flats to Mammoth by ranchers, sheep herders, prespectors and the U S Forest Svs until the 1930's. Although remnents are all that remain of the Old French Trail, it made a big impact on the growth of Madera and Mono Counties.

Marker is on Fresno Flats Road (Road 425B) ¼ mile south of Crane Valley Road (Road 426), on the left when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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