Old Stone Tavern

Though Never a Tavern, it was Built of Stone

Stone is a rare material on this coastal plain, so when you find three stone buildings in one small area, there has to be a reason. The reason is that the same person, Manlove Hayes, built them all. Hayes built the house now known as the Stone Tavern some time before 1829 for Henry Bell, whose family had owned the lot since the mid-18th century. Hayes, who ran the shipping industry in Little Creek, is also credited with building the two other stone buildings: the Octagonal Schoolhouse, which still stands, and York Seat, which has been demolished.

Though the original owners did own a tavern down the road, this house never was a tavern and the name is a mystery. It is owned today by the Division of Parks and Recreation

Marker is on Main Street (Delaware Route 9) just north of County Route 346.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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