Olympic Hot Springs

Andrew Jacobsen was the first to report the discovery of the hot springs on Boulder Creek in the early 1890s. In 1906 Jacobsen returned to the hot springs, retrieved a bottle of its water to prove his discovery to others, and shortly afterward a business arrangement was apparently made between Jacobsen and four others to develop the area. Nothing came of this agreement.William Everett rediscovered the mineral water while on a hunting trip. The Everetts proceeded to construct wood tubs, dug out sections for mud baths, and built a cabin and bathhouse. In 1909 the hot springs was opened to the public.

Over the next decade, building improvements were made at Olympic Hot Springs. The first resort cabins were erected in 1919. The popularity of Olympic Hot Springs resort heightened but began to fall off in the early 1920s as Sol Duc Hot Springs reopened after its firey destruction. While Sol Duc Hot Springs could be reached by auto tourists while the Olympic resort was accessible only by foot or horseback traveling over a rugged eleven mile trail. In 1930, a road was completed to the hot springs by the cooperative effort of the National Forest Service and Clallam County.

The year 1940 ushered in a time of change at Olympic Hot Springs. In late January of that year the main hotel building was completely destroyed by fire. Under Park Service administration, the Schoeffels leased the resort and immediately reconstructed the lodge. Then the weight of heavy snow during winter months in the late 1960s and early 1970s collapsed the roofs of several of the building. In late 1972 all structures of the Olympic Hot Springs were surveyed for removal by the National Park. Today, there are only remnant evidences of the complex of resort buildings at Olympic Hot Springs.

Credits and Sources:

National Park Service. "Historic Resource Study 1983." NPS.gov. http://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/online_books/olym/hrs/contents.htm (accessed June 20, 2015).

National Park Service. "Olympic: Sol Duc Area." NPS.gov. http://www.nps.gov/olym/planyourvisit/upload/Sol%20Duc.pdf (accessed June 19, 2015).