Opdycke's Bridgade
Col. Emerson Opdycke's Federal brigade was positioned in this area 150 yards north of the Carter House, east and west of Columbia Pike. Without orders, the Federal brigade attacked a portion of Cleburne's and Brown's Confederate divisions after they had broken the center of the Federal line. The forces met like "two enormous ocean waves crashing together." In vicious fighting, Opdycke's brigade recaptured the line south of the Carter smokehouse and farm office. Repeated attempts failed to recapture a portion of the main line held by the Confederates. Maj. Arthur MacArthur, of the 24th Wisconsin (father of World War II Gen. Douglas MacArthur) went down with severe wounds. Also involved were the 125th Ohio and th 36th, 44th, 73rd, and 74th/88th Illinois.
Marker is on Columbia Avenue (U.S. 31), on the right when traveling south.
Courtesy hmdb.org