Oregon Korean War Veterans Memorial

June 25, 1950      Korea      July 27, 1953

Dedicated to the memory of these men and women from Oregon so their sacrifice will never be forgotten

Oh, could our fallen brothers

              know the honor they helped bring

to God, and to our country,

              to their memory now we sing.

You gave your lives for Freedom,

              for your families, and for friends,

and for that you have our special love

              and a thanks that never ends.

If God gives grace to warriors

              serving in his holy name,

if a special place in Heaven waits

              for those, who in honor came,

then those who served with honor

              on that far Korean shore,

will have his grace and a special place

              when they stand at Heaven’s door.

              Paul E. Sanders

[Column 1]

Allen Charles C, USA •

Allen Richard L, USMC •

Anderson Eugene A, USA •

Anderson Harold E, USA •

Anselmo Gabriel C, USA •

Amos Gaylord, USA •

Archuleta Juan, USA •

Asla Felix Jr, USAF •

Atkinson Carson J, USA •

Bahlman Robert F, USN •

Balfe Philip E, USA •

Balls James H, USA •

Barker Earl R, USA •

Bartholdi Cyril B, USA •

Barton Dwayne W, USA •

Barton Eldon L, USA •

Bateman Marlyn Jr, USMC •

Baxter William T, USMC •

Beaverson Billy W, USA •

Bebb Wayne E, USA •

Betzer Grover R, USMC •

Bilyeu Michael G, USA •

Birkel Peter A, USA •

Bohnas Edward J, USMC •

Bond Lee W, USA •

Bowden William E, USMC •

Brackenbury Billie, USA •

Brant Albert W Jr, USA •

Brant Melvin L, USA •

Briscoe Kenneth J, USA •

Bristow James R, USMC •

Broad Wendell I, USA •

Broadston Merle D, USA •

Brockett Norvin D, USA •

Brown Ben L , USA •

Boyle Douglas R , USA •

Becker Roscoe G, USAF

[Column 2]

Brown Doyl G, USA •

Brown James G, USA •

Brownson Clifford, USA •

Burgess Burton E, USA •

Burke John E , USMC •

Cain Frank P, USA •

Calkins Harold D, USA •

Calkins James L, USA •

Carr James T, USA •

Carroll Robert L, USA •

Charley Leo E, USA •

Cherry Clarence Martin, USAF •

Christy Alvin J, USA •

Clark Edward L, USN •

Clark Eldred B, USA •

Clarke Jeanne E, USN •

Cook William W, USA •

Corbett Robert Leroy, USMC •

Coulter Leon S, USA •

Cozad Donald E, USA •

Crary William B, USA •

Crimin Asa J Jr, USA •

Crocker Charles W Jr, USAF •

Crowell Dean G, USAF •

Crowell William N, USA •

Curry Charles Marvin, USMC •

Davis Nubern D, USN •

Denney Clifford R, USA •

Deshaw Phillip E, USA •

Dick Donald L, USA •

Dolan James Melvin, USAF •

Duffy William T, USA •

Durochin Robert G, USA •

Earls Milo G, USAF •

Earnshaw Arthur H, USA •

Elmore Everitt L, USA

[Column 3]

Ebright Wayne E, USA •

Ellingson Eugene M, USA •

Ellis Donald D, USA •

Erickson Lee Eldon, USAF •

Essberg David Jr, USA •

Forsgren Eugene R Jr, USMC •

Foster Delmar L, USA •

Fox Henry R, USMC •

Fox Louis D Jr, USA •

Franzen Orvill E, USA •

Gabrielson Carl L, USA •

Geeslin James D, USA •

Gerue Louis O, USMC •

Gill Wayne B Jr, USA •

Glick William A, USA •

Goodman Donald R, USA •

Goodwin Bert L, USA •

Gosney Elmer E, USA •

Grady Joe Buell, USMC •

Grignon Clifford J, USA •

Grimm William D, USA •

Guthrie Patrick W, USA •

Hagan James E Jr, USA •

Haines George E, USAF •

Hall Ronald Glynn, USMC •

Hamilton Eugene E, USA •

Hamilton Merlin J, USA •

Hancock Richard L, USA •

Hankins Jerald J, USMC •

Harmon James E, USA •

Harr Donald F, USA •

Harris Ralph L, USAF •

Harvey Earl D, USA •

Haworth Wilbur A, USA •

Head James E, USA •

Galberth Thomas P, USA •

Forney Frank H, USA

[Column 4]

Hedrick Roy W, USA •

Heiple Rayman G, USMC •

Henson Freddie L, USA •

Herrick Virgil B, USA •

Hightower Ernest J, USMC •

Hill Robert L, USA •

Hille James D, USA •

Hills Leslie B, USA •

Hitchner Omar T, USA •

Hoff Warren M, USAF •

Honeyman Louis C, USA •

Hood Haskel H, USA •

Hudson Harry C Jr, USA •

Hughes John P, USA •

Inyard John R, USA •

Jackson Richard L, USN •

Jackson Ronald C, USA •

Jarvis Frederick C, USA •

Jenkins Donald C, USA •

Jensen Dale E, USMC •

Johnson Arthur R, USA •

Jones Thomas E, USA •

Juday Ray A, USA •

Karlin Arnold W, USN •

Keesee Elmer W Jr, USA •

Keith Edward L, USA •

Kennedy George Q, USMC •

Key Arthur V, USA •

Keyser Gerald E, USA •

Kilthau James J, USN •

Kimball Roger E, USAF •

King Donald R, USA •

Klenz Richard, USA •

Kolb Gary B, USA •

Koster Julius H, USA

[Column 5]

Kaufman Loren R, USA MOH •

Kuenle Adrian A, USA •

Landers Homer J, USMC •

Lane Thomas D, USA •

Laughlin William R, USA •

Leno John J, USA •

Leon Robert V, USMC •

Lilly James A, USMC •

Lionberger George, USA •

Mamaril Manuel D Jr, USMC •

Matzen Melvin R, USA •

McAllaster John A Jr, USAF •

McAuliffe Corneli, USA •

McClellan Harlan, USA •

McCoskrie David A, USN •

McCoun Raymond J, USMC •

McInnis Thomas A, USA •

McKinney Ronald E, USA •

McQuien William E, USA •

McVicker Thomas, USA •

Meacham Marion G, USA •

Merrick Richard C, USN •

Merrill Donald L, USA •

Metz Richard C, USMC •

Miljus Brunko R, USA •

Miller John A, USA •

Mitchill John L, USN •

Moen Howard M, USA •

Moore John George, USAF •

Moore William R, USMC •

Mortesen William C, USA •

Mullen John L Jr, USA •

Murphy James D, USA •

Nance Wallace R, USA •

Neal Duane B, USA

[Column 6]

Nelson Ernest E, USA •

Neville Ward O, USA •

Noud William P, USMC •

O’Brien James P, USMC •

Olson Vernon D, USA •

Olvis Leonard K, USA •

Ondish Robert, USA •

Osborn Charles R, USMC •

Oswald Jackie T, USA •

Otterson Gerome E, USA •

Owens Richard K, USA •

Parks Raymond F, USA •

Payne William F, USMC •

Peasley Darrell D, USA •

Perkey Charles R, USA •

Peters Delbert O, USA •

Peters Forrest L, USA •

Petersen Marvin H, USA •

Petterson Philip N, USMC •

Phillips Orville P, USA •

Pieper Rolly L, USMC •

Pierce Robert E, USA •

Polen Richard A, USMC •

Postma Andrew G, USA •

Privett William W, USA •

Prunier Harry C, USA •

Pugh Henry Jr, USA •

Rackley Irvin A, USA •

Reed Howard R, USA •

Reich George L, USA •

Rettinger William, USA •

Rhoades Charles Jr, USMC •

Richards George E, USA •

Richardson Rolland, USA •

Rodgers Gary L, USMC •

Parmenter Larry L, USMC

[Column 7]

Ryan Thomas K, USA •

Sarpola Richard H, USA •

Saul Leo R, USA •

Scherzinger Herbert A, USMC •

Schlimgen Clement, USA •

Schoolcraft Willia, USA •

Schuh Dwain A, USMC •

Schunke Richard W Jr, USN •

Scoggan Randolph T, USN •

Sears Jerome F, USA •

Settles Gerald A, USA •

Shahan Billy E, USA •

Sharp J D, USMC •

Simmons Eldred R, USA •

Slaney Donald G, USA •

Smethers Glen E, USA •

Smith Donald L, USA •

Smith Leonard L, USMC •

Smith Therlo G L, USA •

Sorensen Mainerd A, USMC •

Spidal John A, USA •

Stafford Dorin S, USN •

Stark Robert J, USA •

Stevenson William, USA •

Steele Arthur J, USA •

Stockman Richard W, USA •

Straughn Deryle G, USA •

Stuart Donald C, USA •

Swan Gerald Lee, USN •

Swygart Delbert V, USA •

Tabert William H, USA •

Tangney Clarence A, USA •

Tannehill Charles, USA •

Tasset John R Jr, USA •

Thompson Albert, USA

[Column 8]

Thompson John W, USA •

Tierney Michael J, USA •

Tobin Robert W, USA •

Todd Albert E, USA •

Todd Phillip J, USA •

Toohey Orlin R, USA •

Treece William A, USA •

Upmeyer Ernest H, USMC •

Vanloh John E Jr, USA •

Vian Dallas W, USA •

Walker Edward L, USN •

Walker Javy C, USA •

Wallam Kenneth P, USAF •

Ward William A Jr, USMC •

Ward William J, USA •

Warnock David W, USA •

Watterson Fred L, USA •

Watts Sammy A, USA •

Weaver Robert F, USA •

Webb Danna L, USA •

Westcott Ernie E, USA •

Weston Donald E, USMC •

Weston Vernon C, USA •

Whaley Willard J, USA •

Wheeler James D, USA •

Whitaker Donald L, USA •

Williams James R, USMC •

Wilson James W, USA •

Woods Wilfred E, USA •

Worden Dow F, USA •

Wright Howard A, USA •

Wright Kenneth E, USAF •

Younce Donald P, USA •

Zech John H, USA •

Cleveland Stanley K, USA •

Berreth Clarence R, USA

Marker is on Willamette National Cemetery Road.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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