Painter Park World War II Memorial

World War II

Dedicated To

The Valiant Men And

Women Who Gloriously

Served Our Country

In The Armed Forces

Of The United States

Of America

Let us never forget

their sacrifice

[ plaque on north side ]

To Our Honored Brothers, United In Death,

We Dedicate This Tribute

World War II Honor Roll

Russell L. Albano • Arthur E. Artley • Donald L. Atkins • Alfred N. Barrie • John S. Bassetti • Howard R. Bennett • Edward H. Bocco • Joseph J. Bosta • Raymond G. Bower • George Y. Bowman • Walter E. Brandenberger • Michael N. Brindisi • Howard A. Bruneau • Arthur H. Carroll, Jr. • William J. Carroll, Jr. • Richard J. Carty • John R. Cassagranda • John Cellini • Eugene V. Chernoff • John H. Clarke • George E. Clinton, Jr. • William F. Cole • John A. Coombs • Robert F. Corcoran • Donald H. Cowles • John T. Cox, Jr. • Harry C. Craigie • Edward J. Darling • Alphonse DeMeglio • James E. Dermody • David R. Doolittle • Philip F. Erff • Irving W. Estabrook, Jr. • Francis J. Fitzgerald, Jr. • Leonard D. Francois • James W. Gilbert, Jr. • Daniel J. Glacken • Alexander C. Glinka • George A. Hart • Robert W. Howe • Steven L. Karako • Carl Keppeler, Jr. • James P. King • Thomas A. Kishel • Lawrence R. Kockler • Albert F. Kresta • Walter E. Kutchta • Russell A. Lofoe • Charles E. Leach, Jr. • Fred J. Lehr • Charles A. Leonard • Pasqual J. Logiodice • Bernard W. Long • Nicholas P. Loukides • Kenneth E. Ludington, Jr. • John F. Lynch • Ercole E. Marino • Ernest H. Marrette • Robert A. Martin • George A. Mascola • Howard H. Mathis • Warren F. May, Jr. • Steven J. McHugh • Thomas J. McSherry • James R. Metcalfe • Pacifico A. Migliore, Jr. • Robert E. Miller • Virgil A. Miller • Francis V. Moran • George F. Mulvey • John B. Murray • William E. Nachand • Matthew A. Nastri • Stewart D. Nisbet, Jr. • Edgar A. Osborne • John R. Panza • Angelo Peaolini • Charles R. Patchell • Robert E. Punch • Roy A. Robbins • Sidney E. Roberts, Jr. • Clarence B. Root • John Sabin • Joseph D. Samuelson • Robert G. Schroder • Herbert L. Simms • Erwin J. Smith, Jr. • George H. Smith • Harry W. Smith • Parker L. Smith • Francis W. Snyder • Arthur G. Stanford • Edward M. Sullivan • Herbert W. Sweetman • Albert W. Thayer, Jr. • Robert T. Thayer • William G. Timmons • William J. Turner • William H. Vath • Vincent Wall • Robert P. Washburn • Walter K. Weidmann • William F. Weiler • Godfrey C. Westcott • John C. Wilcock • Herbert F. Wilson • Frederick C. Winterhalder • Fred C. Zito

Marker is at the intersection of Kelsey Avenue and Bassett Street, on the left when traveling north on Kelsey Avenue.


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