Palm Park

Main marker:

Dedicated in Memory of Major Willard G. Palm who died while serving his country

1921 - 1960

Major Willard G. Palm and his fellow crew members *Maj. Eugene E. Posa, *Capt. Oscar L. Goforth, *Capt. Dean B. Phillips, Capt. Freeman B. Olmstead, Capt. John R. McKone, were shot down over Barents Sea July 1, 1960, by a Russian fighter plane while on a peaceful reconnaissance mission. *Died in this incident.

E.J. Camp, Mayor

Preston Hale     Louis Howard

Frank Warren     Charles Wright

(small marker)

The Military Order of the World Wars


This day, November 11, 2005, we proclaim that this Memorial "Major Palm Park" has been recorded and is available for access on the Topeka Chapter Web Site.

Commander, LTC Stanley Sutton

Adjutant, Col Robert Tindall, Jr.

Topeka Chapter No. 88

Marker is at the intersection of 37th Street and Garfield Street, on the left when traveling west on 37th Street.


Credits and Sources: