Panhandle Baptists

Organized Baptist work in the Oklahoma Panhandle began Aug. 5, 1894 when the Pleasant View Baptist Church was founded with 8 charter members 1½ mi. N and 1½ mi. E of here. Meetings were in the Pleasant View school house until after the Rock Island R.R. built through Tyrone in 1901, which caused the community to shift here and the church located on its present site in a white frame house in 1902, was renamed Tyrone Baptist Church, then in 1903 affiliated with Southern Baptist of Oklahoma Territory. The church used its first building until a brick structure replaced it on the same site in 1953. Tyrone was host to six Panhandle churches Sept. 16, 1904 to organize the Beaver County Assn., parent body of the present Panhandle Assn., formed at Goodwell, Aug. 30, 1922.

Marker is at the intersection of North Florence Street and 5th Street, on the left when traveling north on North Florence Street.


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