Paramus Veterans Memorial

In Grateful Tribute The Citizens

Of Paramus Honor The Defenders

Of Our Country During All Wars

For God And Country

World War I

Daniel Youmans

World War II

Cornelius Blokand • Jacob J. Cleenput • Garret T. Cooper, Jr. • L. Malcolm Tyler • John Donovan • Felix E. Links • Edmund P. Schuler • Michel J. Veraa • Cornelius Winters • John Nearing


Lester Zabriskie


David Albert • John P. Henry • Frank R. Kerbl • Peter E. Millar • Karl W. Mills • Peter T. Rasmussen • Peter Ruzila, Jr. • Robert K. Hensel

Dedicated November 1966 – Paramus Veterans Council

Marker can be reached from the intersection of East Midland Avenue and Willard Road, on the right when traveling west.


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