Passaic County Soldiers and Sailors Monument

To commemorate the services and record the names of her soldiers and sailors who gave their lives in the War for the Union.

[ Left of Monument: ]

Honor the Brave

The War of 1861-1865 was waged successfully for the preservation of the Union as a nation, one and indivisible, now and for all time.

[ Right of Monument: ]

“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in: to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan: to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

Abraham Lincoln

[ Front of Monument: ]

This monument, erected in 1922 under the supervision of the Board of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Passaic, is a replica of the original monument erected in 1870 on Monument Heights, Passaic Falls, by the Passaic County Soldiers and Sailors Monument Association, organized Sept. 17, 1867.

[ Veteran Plaques: ]

And’r. H. ACKERMAN • Wm. ACKERMAN • Joseph ADAMS • Thos. ADAMS • Chas. ANYS • Rich’d. ASHWORTH • Jacob BAKER • Wm. BARIY • Michael BARLOW • Nath’l. L. BARNES • Wm. C. BEGGS • Wm. M. BELL • Geo. A. BERDAN • Wm. J. BERESFORD • Ralph BERTHOLT • Edwin BIRLEY • Alfred J. BLANCHARD • David A. BOGERT • John C. BOGERT • Peter BOONE • Curtis BOWNE • Wm. C. BOONE • And’r. J. BROEGHTON • W.H. BROOKS • Cor’s. BROWER • Elsworth BROWER • Walter W. BROWN • Jas. BROWN • John BRUAN • Martin BRUAN • Ralph BUCKLEY • Geo. BUGGINS • Syl’v. B. BURNHAM • Francise BUTLER • Thos. BURLEIGH • Andrew CAMPBELL • Cor’s. CAMPBELL • Wm. CASSIDY • Jas. CAVENAGH • Lee CHARDEVOYNE • S.B. CHARDEVOYNE • John CHRISTIE • Jas. CLARK • Wm. CLARK • Jas. CLEGG • John COCHRANE • David COCOROON • Geo. W. COLE • John G. COLLINS • Henry CONKLIN • Rhyneer CONKLIN • John CONKLINS • Jas. CONWAY • Jas. COONEY • John CORRIGAN • Wm. CUTHBERG • Chas. DANFORTH • John E. DAVENPORT • Geo. W. DAVIDSON • John DEBCHANT • Selar DECKER • Flinton DELANY • Michael DELANY • Mart. V.B. DEMAREST • Sam DEMAREST • Fred’k. DEMOUTH • Harrison DEMOUTH • John DEVORE • Harrison DEWORTH • Rob’t. DILLON • Jas. DOBSON • John H. DOREMUS • Peter J. DOREMUS • Matt J. DOUGHERTY • Geo. DOUGHERTY • Geo. W. DOUGLAS • Joseph J. DREW • Tho’s. EAVES • Fred’k. EHRNEST • Isaac ELLISON • John EMERSON • Wm. J. EVANS • N.P. FAIRBANKS • Richard FAIRCLOUGH • John FARROLL • Peter B. FENWICK • Thos. FINLEY • Thos. FLANNIGAN • John W. FLAVELL • Jas. FLETCHER • Joseph FOSBEND • John K. FRANK • Eben E. FREELAND • Henry FREELAND • John H. FREELAND • Wm. FREELAND • Rob’t. GAMMELL • Geo. W. GARRIBRANT • Jas. I. GARRIBRANT • Rob’t. A. GARRISON • Chas. GAUKLE • Fred’k. GILMORE • Ab’m. GODWIN • Sydney GOULDING • Jas. GRAHAM • David HALLIWELL • Tho’s. HALLIWELL • Wm. E. HALSTEAD • John HAMMER • Jessie HAND • Henry M.D. HART • Ab’m. HARVEY • Robert HARVEY • Tho’s. HENDERSON • Henry J. HENDRICKS • Henry HENEY • Tho’s. HELIUS • Gotleibe HESKE • Talman HICKERSON • Johnathan HILTON • Morris HINCHY • Wm. HOLT • Everett HORSEN • Jas. HUGHES • Joseph HULL • Hugh C. IRISH • Sam’l. JACKSON • Philip J.W. JEBB • John M. JUNERNEY • Fred’k. KANE • Thos. KEMEDY • Andrew KEIFE • Michael KELLER • Fred’k. C. KING • Henry KISSOCK • Emile LABIAUN • James LAWSON • John LEE • Owen LOGUE • John MACK • Rich’d. MAGERSON • John MARKHAM • Abram MARGROFF • Chas. MATANIA • Wm. MC CLOUD • Alex’r. MC GILL • John MC GOVERN • Ew’d. MC KIERMAN • John MC LAUGHLIN • John MC MULLEN • Cor. MESSERAU • John MENISH • Ed’w. MEWHINNEY • Geo. MEYERS • Louis MILLER • Wm. MITCHELL • Peter MONKS • Sydney K. MONKS • Wm. MONKS • John MORAN • Jessie B. MORRIS • Rich’d. MOSLEY • Rich’d. R. MOSLEY • Jacob NEES • Joh’thn OLIVER, Jr. • Jacob O’NEIL • John O’NEIL • Dan’l. OSTRANDER • Dav. H. OSTRANDER • Jacob OTT • James PARLIAMENT • Ebenezer PARKER • Rich’d. PERRINE • Abram PITTENGER • Jas. D. PITTENGER • Rich’d. POHLMAN • Anthony POST • Jacob POST • Wm. POTTS • Lew’n. J. PROBERT • Neh’mh. J. PULIS • Pat RAFFERTY • Rob’t. REDMAN • John D. REDNER • Joseph REIGAN • Dan’l. ROCHE • David RUSSELL • Chas. A. RYERSON • Peter M. RYERSON • Michael RYAN • Edwin RYAN • Thos. SANDS • H. SAXON • John SCALLAN • John C. SCOTT • Squire SHARPE • Chas. SHAUGER • Wm. SHERWIN • Benj. SHERWOOD • Robt. SHERWOOD • Wm. H. SHIPPEE • Isaac SILCOX • Geo. SISCOE • Wm. SKINNER • John SLATER • James SMITH, Jr. • James SNYDER • John N. STERLING • Wm. STEVENSON • Christian STOCK • John SWIFT • Joseph THACKRAY • David TUERS • Lucas TUERS • Martin VAN BUREN • Garret H. VAN DIEN • Isaac VAN GIESON • John VAN HOUTEN • Jos. H. VAN HOUTEN • Chas. VAN ORDEN • Rich’d. VAN ORDEN • And’w. G. VAN RIPER • H.P.J. VAN VLADACKEN • Thos. VASEY • David VEADER • Geo. E. VESCEILUS • John VOORHIS • John VREELAND • Alex WATT • James WATSON • John WEBB • F.S. WELLER • John B. WHITE • John WHITFORD • Jas. S. WILLIAMS • John WILLIAMS • Thos. WILLIAMS • Adam WILLIAMSON • Chas. WILLIAMSON • Wm. WILLIAMSON • Anssey WILLIS • Joseph WINTERS • Thos. WOODS • Wm. WOODS • Jacob WOODWARD • John E. WOODWARD • John ZABRISKIE

Marker is at the intersection of East Side Park Road and E Park Drive, on the left when traveling north on East Side Park Road.


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