Patterson Veterans Monument

The War Monument

[ south face ]

Roll Of Honor

1917 – 1918

Town Of Patterson

Major Albert N. Towner • Major Charles B. Crane • Capt. John Towner • Lieut. Robert A. Johnston • Sergt. Daniel B. Brandon • Sergt. Lucius G. Pendleton • Sergt. Charles E. Hawley • Sergt. Arthur Hansen • Bugler Paul W. Townsend • Rev. Henry F. Watts, Y.M.C.A.


James E. Smith • Roscoe Winship • * Harold Ett • Hudson L. Ritch • Herbert Smith • De Bone Alosandro • William Casey • Louis Doudera • Charles W. McCormick • Adroange Kniffin • Clark Green • Wilfred W. Williams • Hjalmar Anderson • Thomas B. Covell • Howard E. Kelley • * William H. Pope • Abraham M. Bloch • Emerson Meade • John Eastwood • James McManus • Chester St. John • * Howard Mathews • Ernest Bennett • Matt. Fratcella • Joseph Modroch • George E. Knapp • Gordon Eastwood • George H. Williams • Ernest H. Pennell • Fred Weizenecker • Wilson Hinkley • John Casey • Franklin R. Kelley • D. Mallory Stephens • Charles Hinkley • William G. Wright • J. Edgar Smith • Chester Knapp • Ernest Clough • Edwin Smith

* Died in Service

[ north face ]

Dedicated by the Town of Patterson

to those who served during World War II

* Alfke, Henry • Allen, Edward J. • Allen, John P. Jr. • Ashby, William L. • Baker, Gerald • Balfe, Richard • Barbour, Charles • Barbour, David • Bartro, Robert • Bellucci, Dominick • Bienenstein, William J. • * Bostwick, Elmore S. Jr. • Bostwick, Fitzhugh • Brandon, Eugene • Brengle, Dexter • Brittion Benjamin • Bubenicek, Robert • Bubenicek, Thomas J. • Bubenicek, William J. Jr. • Buechel, Mary • Burgess, James E. • Burgess, Reed A. • Burgess, William F. • Cady, Everett W. Jr. • Cady, George H. • Carey, Mortimer • Carey, Walter C. • Casamo, Anthony • Casamo, John • Casamo, William • Casey, William B. Jr. • Cherne, Jack • Conklin, Douglas • Conklin, Raymond • * DeBlasio, Genaro • Dill, James D. • Dixon, William Palmer • Drnek, John • Dubois, George • Dubois, Richard W. • Dwyer, Robert J. • Edmonds, Philip • Elliott, Ridgley • Enzian, Harold J. • Enzian, Herman C. • Ercole, John • Flint, George • Garcia, Joseph • Garrand, Gordon • Gaydos, Francis G. • Gould, James • Gould, William • Green, Powell • * Grey, Ronald • Haley, Chester • Hampe, Charles T. • Hanson, Alfred K. • Hanson, Earl C. • Harrison, Louis D. Jr. • Harrison, Richard F. • Hattrick, Thomas • Haviland, Reed L. • Henderson, William • Henn, Burton G. • Herbrechter, Carl F. • Herman, Louis • Herman, William • Hubert, Jocheim • Hudson, Milton • Hudson, Seth K. • Imhof, Frederick • * Infantino, Anthony • Infantino, Thomas F. • Inserra, Raymond • Jacobs, Powhatan M. • Johnson, emil • Johnson, William • Johnson, Ernest • Kautzman, James • Kelley, paul • Kuenzle, Robert • Lee, Donald • Lee, Ernest • Lee, Ronald • Lovejoy, Winslow Jr. • Lutkins, Theodore • Lyden, Francis W. Jr. • Macartney, John Jr. • MacIntosh, Clarence • Macintosh, Fred • Mackey, Douglas • Mallory, Clinton D. • McKesson, Malcolm F. • McKesson, Robert J. • McNamee, Edward F. • Millard, Nicklaw • Montgomery, Robert • Morey, Charles L. • Murphy, John J. Jr. • Neill, David S. • Neill, William S. • Newcomb, Joseph • Olivett, Edward • Olivett, Lehman • Pahlck, Frank W. • Pahlck, Harold • Pahlck, Julius • Pahlck, Raymond A. • Pahlck, Walter E. • Penny, Jesse L. • Peragine, Anthony • Peragine, Vito • Peralta, Blanch • Peralta, James • Plisco, William C. • Pollock, James M. • Post, John F. • Powers, William T. • Pulver, Morgan Jr. • Rher, John A. Jr. • Reed, Edward M. • Reed, Martin Jr. • Reid, Alan • Renner, Earl B. • Richmond, Lester • Richmond, Louis • Richmond, Seman • Robinson, Seward • Rossire, Donal H. • Rossire, Harold • Rossire, Louis D. Jr. • Rowe, Clifford • Rush, Charles d. • Rutledge, Walter a. • Ryan, Thomas J. • Sacco, Frank • Scott, Francis G. • William A. Jr. • Sina, Joseph • Smalley, Harold • Smith, Bertram • Smith, George C. • Snook, Francis • Stokes, Morris • Talbot, Robert • Tappan, Henry J. • Thurlow, John W. • Townsend, Edward • Townsend, Wilson • Travis, Willard • Trogisch, Richard E. • Van Keuren, Charles H. • Van Keuren, Joseph • Watkins, Willis • Watts, John • Whitsett, Murray • Widman, John R. • Widman, Wilbert • Williams, Arden • Williams, Charles A. • Williams, Charles D. • Williams, John • Williams, Max L. • Williams, Philip J. • Williams, Silas J. • Wolfe, Arthur • * Wood, Fred • Woostar, George • Yates, Frank L.

Deceased designated by *

Marker is at the intersection of New York Route 311 and Maple Avenue, on the right when traveling west on State Route 311.


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