Patterson's Battery - Lane's Battalion

Anderson's Division - Hill's Corps

Army of Northern Virginia

Hill's Corps Anderson's Division

Lane's Battalion Patterson's Battery

Two Napoleons, Four 12 pounder Howitzers

July 2 Was detached from the Battalion in the morning together with the Howitzer of Ross's Battery and ordered into position here. In the afternoon opened fire upon the Union positions north of Peach Orchard and when the infantry advanced at 6 p.m. moved forward with it beyond the Emmitsburg road and was engaged there until dark.

July 3 Occupied a position near here in reserve and did not take part in the active operations of the day.

July 4 Withdrew about sunset and began the march to Hagerstown.

Losses Killed 2, wounded 5, missing 2.

Ammunition expended 170 rounds.

Horses killed or disabled 7.

Marker is at the intersection of West Confederate Avenue and Berdan Avenue, on the left when traveling south on West Confederate Avenue.


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