Paul Bunyan Statue

This statue, reputed to be the largest of Paul Bunyon in the world, stands facing the Penobscot River. The legendary giant woodsman is a symbol of the great era in the late 1800's when Bangor, Maine was acclaimed to be "The Lumber Capitol of the World" with sailing vessels crowding the river and loaded with lumber for shipment to seaports around the world.

The statue is 31 feet tall and weighs approximately 3700 pounds. It is internally braced with steel for the reinforced fiberglass construction. The cobblestone faced concrete base has a time capsule sealed December 31st, 1959. It contains documented records of Bangor's 125th Anniversary observance and other articles of historic significance. The capsule is scheduled for removal on Bangor's 250th Anniversary, February 12, 2084 A.D.

The idea for the statue was presented to the 125th Anniversary Steering Committee by Connie Bronson of Veazie. The scale model for the statue was sculpted by J. Normand Martin of Bangor and it was built and erected by Messmor and Damon of New York City.

The cost was approximately $20,000., provided by voluntary contributions from civic minded individuals and firms in Bangor and vicinity.