Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

[ south side of bridge ]

In Memoriam

Remember Pearl Harbor

Keep America Alert!

To Those

Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice

During The Attack On Pearl Harbor

07:55 AM, 7 December 1941

Dedicated By

The Leopoldville Memorial Association

And The Waterbury Veterans

Memorial Committee On December 7, 1998

[ emblem on the plaque ]

Pearl Harbor Survivors Association

[ north side of bridge ]

Connecticut Men Killed At

Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941

Allen, Eric   Lt. (JG)   USN   USS Enterprise   Darien • Carlson, Henry Ludwig   SK3C   USN   Arizona   Norwich • Gosselin, Edward W.   Ens   USNR   Arizona   Hamden • Horan, Vincent M.   Cpl   AAF   Wheeler Field   Stamford • Lanquette, Henry John   Cox   USN   Arizona   Wallingford • Lunita, John Kallervo   SIC   USN   Nevada   Colinsville • O'Neil, W.T. Jr.   Ens   USN   Arizona   Glenbrook • Orzech, Stanislaus Joseph   S2C   USN   Arizona   Meriden • Patterson, Richard Jr.   Sf3C   USN   Arizona   Berlin • Povesko, George   S1C   USN   Arizona   Bridgeport • Quarto, Mike George   S1C   USN   Arizona   Norwich • Reeves, Thomas James   CRE   USN   California   Thomaston • Seeley, William Eugene   S1C   USN   Arizona   New London • Smith, George   Pvt   AAF   Hickam Field   New Haven • Sterling, Gordon H. Jr.   2nd Lt   AAF   Wheeler Field   Hartford • Wegrzyn, Felix S.   Pvt   AAF   Hickam Field   Bridgeport • Whitehead, Ulmont Irving Jr.   Ens   USN   Arizona   Hartford

[ emblem on the plaque ]

Pearl Harbor Survivors Association

Marker is at the intersection of Freight Street aka Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Riverside Street, on the right when traveling west on Freight Street aka Veterans Memorial Boulevard.


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