Pierre Paul Riquet

(1604 ou 1609 – 1680)

Biterrois, constructeur du Canal due Midi, il trouve la solution permettant d’unir par un canal l’Ocean a la Mediterranee.

En 1667, il entreprend les travaux qu’il financera lui meme.

Chantier grandiose représentant 15 ans travail et 12000 ouvriers à la tâche. Il meurt mene un an avant la mise en eau du canal...

Sa statue lournée vers l’Ouest, con temple son oeuvre.

[Translation by Google Translate (with modifications):

Pierre Paul Riqet

(1604 or 1609 - 1680)

Native of Béziers, builder of the Canal du Midi, he found the solution to join the [Atlantic] Ocean to the Mediterranean.

In 1667, he began the work that he himself financed.

The massive work project represented 15 years and 12,000 workers at the task. He died a year before water entered the canal...

His statue looks westward contemplating his work.

Marker is at the intersection of Allees Paul Riquet and Avenue Camille Saint-Saens on Allees Paul Riquet.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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