Pike Place Urban Garden

The Pike Place Urban Garden is a 2,000 square foot rooftop community garden aimed at creating a place for volunteers, Pike Place Senior Center residents, and market visitors to meet. The garden is maintained by a team of volunteers and all produce is donated to the Pike Market Senior Center and Food Bank.[1]


The Pike Place Urban Garden is sponsored by the Seattle Urban Farm Company (SUFCo), which aims to “promote healthy diets, environmental stewardship, stronger communities and improved quality of life” through sustainable urban agriculture. SUFCo is involved with hundreds urban farms across the city.[2]


The urban garden at Pike Place Market is similar to Seattle’s P-Patch Community Gardening Program, run by the City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, which oversees 88 P-Patches throughout the city. In total, the community gardens produce food on approximately 32 acres for the public and, in 2014, P-Patch gardeners donated 41,297.5 lbs of produce to local food banks and feeding programs.[3]


To find the Pike Place Urban Garden, enter the Market from the corner of Pike Street and Pike Place. Go left past Pike Place Fish Market toward Maximilien restaurant. A hallway on the left leads to the rooftop garden through grey double doors. The garden is open 10am to 6pm, 7 days a week.

[1] “Pike Place Urban Garden,” Seattle Urban Farm Company, accessed August 14, 2016, http://www.seattleurbanfarmco.com/projects/#/pike-place-urban-garden/.

[2] “About,” Seattle Urban Farm Company, accessed August 14, 2016, http://www.seattleurbanfarmco.com/about/.

[3] “About the P-Patch Program,” Seattle.gov, accessed August 14, 2016, http://www.seattle.gov/neighborhoods/programs-and-services/p-patch-community-gardening/about-the-p-patch-program.

Credits and Sources:

Description by Madison Heslop on behalf of the American Society for Environmental History.

“About.” Seattle Urban Farm Company. Accessed August 14, 2016. http://www.seattleurbanfarmco.com/about/.

City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. “About the P-Patch Program.” Seattle.gov. Accessed August 14, 2016. http://www.seattle.gov/neighborhoods/programs-and-services/p-patch-community-gardening/about-the-p-patch-program.

 “Pike Place Urban Garden.” Seattle Urban Farm Company. Accessed August 14, 2016. http://www.seattleurbanfarmco.com/projects/#/pike-place-urban-garden/.