Prescott National Bank

The Prescott National Bank was organized by William Bashford, R.N. Fredericks and others in March, 1893. In October, 1900 Bank President Frank N. Murphy announced the construction of a new bank building on the "Old Wooster Block" at Prescott's "banking intersection" of Gurley and Cortez. The building was completed in January, 1902. Construction of yellow brick with stone accents, identical entrances on Gurley and Cortez Streets are each flanked by two sets of blue granite columns. The bank closed its doors on November 15, 1920. In 1922, Valley Bank consolidated with the First National Bank of Arizona and moved into the building. The use of this building as a bank ceased in 1957 when the building was converted to retail use. In 1998 the building changed hands for the first time in decades and was restored for use as professional offices.

Marker is at the intersection of Cortez Street and Gurley Street (Arizona Route 89), on the right when traveling north on Cortez Street.


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