Price's Headquarters

Wilson's Creek

Since August 6, 1861, thousands of Confederates had been camping in this area surrounding Major General Sterling Price's headquarters, waiting to attack the Union Army in Springfield. On the night of August 9, the long-awaited orders were issued.

Pickets were called in, and the army began to advance. But when it began to rain, the Confederates postponed their attack, fearing their black gunpowder would become wet. The army returned to camp, but the pickets were not ordered to resume their posts. As a result, the Confederates had no warning of the Union advance.

On the morning of August 10, the Confederate officers at Price's headquarters did not know that Union columns were closing in on their camps from two directions. Shortly after dawn, the Federals gave the Rebels a rude awakening.

The trail beginning here leads down to the historic Wire Road, then across the creek to the site of Price's headquarters. The leisurely round-trip walk is less than one mile.

Marker is on Tour Road, on the right when traveling south.


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