Pyrmont / 1812 Hopkins’ Expedition

Pyrmont. John Wagner built a dam, race and sqw mill about a mile South in 1833 and added a grist mill. He sold to John Fisher who sold to John Fetterhoff who built a large frame mill. Joel Wagoner, James Allen, Elias Morkert, J. J. Cripe, Wm. Gardner, Bert Smoker were later operators. It burned December 7, 1929. Fetterhoff’s Mill Post Office established 1851, was changed to Pyrmont in 1866.

1812 Hopkins’ Expedition. On November 22nd 60 mounted scouts were ambushed and 18 killed about a mile west. This skirmish was called Spurs Defeat. Benoit Bezallion was captured and died at the stake that night in large Indian camp about a mile south. The next day a larger force under Capt. Zachary Taylor burned the empty camp in the big bend of Wildcat Creek North of the church. The army returned to Vincennes.

Marker is at the intersection of South 800 West and West 550 South on South 800 West.


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