Railroad Block-house

On Allatoona Creek in this vicinity, a Federal block-house, guarding State R.R. bridge, was garrisoned by Companies E, F, and I, of the 18th Wisconsin Regt.

Oct. 5, 1864, while retreating from Allatoona, 2 mi. N., French’s Div. of Stewart’s A.C. [CS] burned the bridge and block-house, capturing 84 officers and men.

The State R.R. was shifted north in 1949 and in 1950, Allatoona Creek was flooded by the impounded waters of Allatoona Dam.

Marker is at the intersection of North Main Street SE (Georgia Route 293) and Sandtown Road SE, on the right when traveling west on North Main Street SE.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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