Railroad Connection

This dirt lane once led to the farm's northern fields and the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad tracks, about 3/4 mile from here.

During the 1880 presidential campaign, the railroad ran special trains that stopped at Garfield's Farm. From this special train stop, thousands of supporters walked up this lane to listen to speeches by Congressman James A. Garfield - the Republican candidate for President of the United States.

[Photo 1 caption reads] Locomotive Number 53 of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad with one mail car and two passenger cars - the type that James Garfield rode in 1880.

[Photo 2 caption reads] The historic lane, c. 1900. This lane ran to the northern end of the farm where the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad had a right-of-way through Garfield's property.

[Photo 3 caption reads] The New York Herald printed the map of "The Garfield Farm" on September 26, 1881. The probable route of the historic lane has been added in red.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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