Ramseur's Brigade

2nd North Carolina State Troops

Col. William R. Cox

4th North Carolina State Troops

Col. Bryan Grimes

14th North Carolina Troops

Col. R. Tyler Bennett

30th North Carolina Troops

Col. Francis M. Parker

At dawn May 12, 1864 Union troops overwhelmed Maj. Gen. Edward Johnson's Division at the muleshoe salient. Brig. Gen. Stephen Dodson Ramseur's North Carolina Brigade counterattacked across these earthworks and by 7:30 a.m. regained the portion of the salient opposite this point. For the next twenty hours Ramseur's men held their ground in the face of determined Union assaults. The North Carolinians then withdrew to a new defensive line one-half mile to the rear. This gallant stand helped thwart the Union advance and saved Lee's army from disaster.

Deo Vindice

Erected by the 30th N.C. Troops (Reactivated) Charlotte, N.C.

Sept. 2001

Marker can be reached from McCoull Road, on the left when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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