Randolph County Veterans Memorial

World War IHonoring those who died in World War I we remember the day, in human history, when the United States with compassion and dedication spent her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth. God helping her, she could do no other, and our great land had a rebirth of freedom.

World War IIO God, we trust in thee: Let us not be ashamed in this solemn hour of human history. Increase our abiding faith in the deep and holy foundations which our forefathers laid. May we honor those who died in this war by building on the foundation of thy abiding peace.

KoreaBowing, in humility, to honor those who died in this struggle, may we see that if we are to march with thy faith, we must be actively on the side of honorable and just strivings for a more abundant and free life to the people under all skies.

VietnamStanding here let each be rededicated to the task before us; that from the honored dead and the brave who may die, we receive courage and increased devotion to the cause of a just peace and a rebirth of truth, righteousness and freedom for all people. God as our helper, we can do no less.

Marker is at the intersection of Randlph Avenue (U.S. 219) and High Street, on the right when traveling north on Randlph Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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