Redoubt Number 3


Redoubt Number 3, built here in 1861-62, was one of six identical Confederate earthworks built across the enter of James Island, known collectively as the East Lines. Intended to help defend Charleston from Federal attacks up the Stono River, they were 60 yds. square and built for two guns each. In November 1863 this redoubt was armed with a single 24-pounder smoothbore cannon.

(Reverse text)

The East Lines stretched south from a tributary of James Island Creek, on Croskey Royall’s plantation, to Clark Sound, on the Rev. Stiles Mellichamp’s plantation. By late 1863, stronger earthworks, called the New Lines, were built nearer the Stono River, making these lines obsolete. This redoubt and the rest of Charleston’s defenses were evacuated February 17, 1865.

Marker is on 5 Oaks Court, on the right when traveling south.


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