Rhea County Courthouse

(left brick column near sidewalk)

Rhea County



Site of

Scopes Evolution Trial


National Historic



(right brick column near sidewalk)

Scopes Evolution Trial

Considered one of the most significant trials of the 20th century, The Scopes Evolution Trial featured a contest of issued argued by some of the most famous lawyers in America. Creation versus evolution, science versus religion, majority versus minority rights, role of parent and government in education were discussed at length.

(plaque on courthouse porch column)

Scopes Trial Trail

Rhea County Courthouse & Museum

This Romanesque Revival-Italian Villa Style courthouse was built in 1891, designated a National Historic Landmark in 1976, and restored at the completion of the Scopes Trial Museum in 1978.

Marker is on Market Street (Tennessee Route 30) north of 2nd Avenue, on the left when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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