Ridgefield Veterans Memorial

Center Panel: Honor Roll

World War II and Korean War Action

“Into the Mosaic of Victory,

These Priceless Jewels Were Set”

In Supreme Sacrifice

World War II

Acocella, Charles •

Bell, William P. •

Birarelli, James J. •

Blume, Robert N. •

Cogswell, Charles G. •

Frulla, Armondo •

Hall, William H. •

Nelson, John E. •

Polverari, Geno J. •

Rose, Walter •

Schere, Meinhard H. •

Scott, Harold •

Ward, Thomas A. •

Vance, Lee P.

“I do not know the dignity of their birth,

But I do know the glory of their death”

Left Panel:

To Honor Those

Who Served,

Died and Are Missing

The Vietnam War

1961 – 1975

Right Panel:

Towne Peter C.

• Carnegie Thomas F.

• Keeler William H.

• Orrico John T.

Marker is on Main Street 0.1 miles south of Governor Street, on the left when traveling south.

Courtesy hmdb.org

Credits and Sources: