Ripley County Veterans Memorial

[[ Memorial - Front ]]

( Across Base )

God - - - Duty - - - Honor - - - Country

( Two Up-rights )

- -“Seals”- -

Army • Marine Corps. • Air Force

- -“Seals”- -

Navy • Coast Guard • Merchant Marine

[ Center Panel ]

In Honor of all

Veterans of Military

Service and dedicated

to the men and women

of Ripley County

who served their

Country so unselfishly

in times of war and

in times of peace

[ Left Panel ]

O beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife,

Who more than self their country loved, and mercy more than life!

America! America! May God thy gold refine,

Till all success be nobleness, and every gain divine.

[ Right Panel ]

O beautiful for patriot dream that sees beyond the years,

Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears!

America! America! God shed his grace on thee,

And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.

[[ Memorial - Obverse Side ] ]

( Across Base )

Have - - - Not - - - Forgotten

( Two Up-rights )

- -“Seals”- - Navy • Coast Guard • Merchant Marine

- -“Seals”- - Army • Marine Corps. • Air Force

[ Center Panel ]

Revolutionary War

Apr. 19, 1775 - - Sept. 3, 1783

4,435 lives lost

War of 1812

June 18, 1812 - - Jan. 8, 1815

2,260 lives lost

Mexican War

May 13, 1846 - - Feb. 2, 1848

13,283 lives lost

Civil War

Apr. 12, 1861 - - May 26, 1865

620,000 lives lost

Spanish American War

Apr. 25, 1898 - - Dec. 10, 1898

2,446 lives lost

World War I

Apr. 6, 1917 - - Nov. 11, 1918

116,516 lives lost

World War II

Dec. 7, 1941 - - Dec. 31, 1946

405,399 lives lost


June 25, 1950 - - July 27, 1953

54,246 lives lost

Vietnam War

Aug. 4, 1964 - - Jan. 27, 1973

58,167 lives lost


Oct. 25, 1983 - - Nov. 2, 1983

19 lives lost


Dec. 20, 1989 - - Jan. 31, 1990

23 lives lost

Desert Shield / Storm

Aug. 7, 1990 - - Apr. 11, 1991

390 lives lost


Dec. 9, 1992 - - Mar. 28, 1994

44 lives lost

Marker is at the intersection of North Main Street and Tyson Street, on the left when traveling north on North Main Street.


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