Robert Lee Frost


This great poet was born in San Francisco, March 26, 1874. First child of William Prescott Frost Jr. and Isabelle Moodie Frost. He lived in seven houses here all east of Van Ness Avenue and North of Market Street. Upon his father’s death in 1885, his mother took him and his sister back to Massachusetts. Frost was four times awarded the Pulitzer Prize for poetry; received forty-three honorary degrees and the Congressional Medal from President Kennedy; was appointed Consultant in Poetry, Library of Congress. He best described himself as one-half farmer, one-half teacher and one-half poet.

“Such was life in the Golden Gate:

Gold dusted all we drank and ate.

And I was one of the children told,

‘We all must eat our peck of gold’ ”

Plaque has been placed here by the California Friends of Robert Frost on the occasion of his hundredth birthday.

Marker is at the intersection of Drumm Street and Market Street, on the right when traveling north on Drumm Street.


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