Robert Treat Paine

Robert Treat Paine (1731-1814) was a lawyer, preacher, teacher, merchant mariner, activist, and an intellectual. He came from a well off Boston family of educated ministers. Paine’s people came from Tyrone, Ireland. One of which originally traveled to the New World on the Mayflower. While young, he proved to be a quick learner and attended Harvard at only fourteen. Unlike many of his relatives, he did not choose the ministry, although he did preach from time to time. He spent much of his time on the sea traveling to the southern colonies and further abroad. He even captained a whaling voyage from Cape Cod to Greenland.


Throughout the American Revolution Paine served many vital roles. After the Boston Massacre, Paine served as the prosecuting attorney. Although he did not win the case, he earned a name for himself. Later he went on to be the Massachusetts representative to the First and Second Continental Congress. During the proceedings, he was known for opposing anything proposed by other members. Initially, Paine did not think the conflicts would lead to war. After sending the Olive Branch Petition, Paine saw the oncoming war. He stayed involved in the process of creating a new government for America and was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.


Paine did more for his community after the war though. He invested in both railroad and mining endeavors, but he only invested in ethical companies. Unlike many investors of the time who did not care about the treatment of laborers, Paine felt for the impoverished. One mining company he invested in provided both housing and education to their employees and their families. Personally, he served on the committee for numerous charitable organizations. Not only did he invest his time, he invested his money. He invested in the building of affordable housing that was also livable. He sought to improve the human condition, not just profit from it. 


By: Jessica McKenzie

Credits and Sources:

Henk, Brigette and Thomas M. Paine. “Robert Treat Paine.” The Society of the Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. December 11, 2011. Accessed September 12, 2016.


Stonehurst, The Robert Treat Paine Estate. “Robert Treat Paine.” City of Waltham. Accessed September 12, 2016. “Robert Treat Paine.” Independence Hall Association. Accessed September 12, 2016.