Roseville Korean War Veterans Memorial

[Column 1:]

Albert Ace • Louis Alvarez • Harlin Amick • Rollin Amick • Joseph Andrade • Ralph L. Andrade • Reyes Andrade • John Arivo • Larry Arnett • Julian Assad • Eddie Astill • Manfred Astill*

Lowell Baggett • Tony Basque • Richard Beaumont • Robert Beaumont • Jerry F. Bell • Albert Benedetti • Donald Benedetti • Marion Benedetti • Joaquin Benitez • Timothy Benoit • James Berg • Antonio Bermudez • Ralph Bermudez • Daniel Blakely • William M. Bloom • Theodore Boone • Berry Boston • Lyle Brace • William Braden • Carl Brown • Ervin Burt • Anthony Bustos • Anthony Butto • Chad Breshears • Alfonso Calderon • Alan Cameron

[Column 2:]

Victor S. Carbone • Adrian Cardoni • Jesse Carrillo • Victor Castillo • Raymond Castro • Salvador Castro

• William Castro • Frank Catalano • Lorenzo Cerda •

Frank Chilton • Quince Circle • Larry Claiborne • William Clancy • George Clark • Edward Classen • Franklin Clair Combs • Raymond Cook • Harry Crabb • Antonio Crespillo • Michael Crespillo • Robert F. Cuellar • Russell A. Coillot

Harry Daniels • James Darling • Homer Davidson • Samuel Declarlo • Leo Deltessandro • Kenneth Demaria • Johanna Devries • Robert Devries • William H. Donaldson Jr.

Lawrence Earle • Ace Edgar • Donald Edgar • John Edgar • Alfred Ellington • Wayne Ellington • James Elster • Robert Elster

[Column 3:]

Donald Emerson • James English

Kenneth Fenton• Robert A. Fenton • Dale Fike • Raymond Fisher • Harold Follett • Norman Follett • James Ford • Royal W. Fowler, Jr. • Harold Fowler • Norman Fratis Jr. • Bruno Frediani • Enzo Frediani • Leland Friberg

Maurice Giesser • Herbert Gadberry • Rubin Galvese • Alfonso Garcia • Bobby Garcia • John Garcia • Jack Garnett • Maurice Geisser • Anthony Georgis • Christopher Georgis • Robert Glines • Edward Gould • Benjamin Gravely • Wayne A. Gregson • Frank Guerrero Sr. • Rudy Guerrero • Richard Guillan • Dexter Good • Andrew Gori • William Hamilton • Alan Hanisch • Everett Harless • Harvey Harless

[Column 4:]

Theodore Harris • Jack Hartman • Deno Hasapis • William Hatano • Carl Healy • Donald Heldt • Mickey Hellar • William Helms • Evan Hennigar • Antonio Hernandez • John Hernandez • Lucio Hernandez • Pedro Hernandez • Peter Hernandez • Robert Hernandez • Reynold Herrera • Otis Hocker • Robert L. Holihan • Bryson Huiting • Wayne Hunter

James L. Inglett • Lido Isola

John James • Michael Jiminez • David Bruce Johnson • Timmy N. Johonie • James Jordon

Barry Kale • Betty Kale • Donald Kamrar • Frederick Karacas • Frederick Keeler • Gerald Keenan • Eugene Kelso • Jerry Kelso • Harold Keykengdall • Gary Kidder

[Column 5:]

William Kolak • George Kosoto • Edward B. Kostakis • Frederick Kuhlman

Joseph Langston • Lorin Lanksford • Phillip C. Laplante • Steven Lasick • Bert Lay • Robert Laycock • George Leggett • Vincent Lera • Chantee Lewi • Joseph Lineros • Frederick Listello • Frank Lopez • Nicolas Lopez • Ralph Lopez • Antonio Lozano • John Lucich • Alvino Luna • Michael Luna • Joe Linares

Joseph Manzano • George Manzoli • Joseph Mardesa • Robert Mardesa • Robert Marin • Donald Martin • Manuel Martin • Ciro Matranga • Bud Mavy • Claude Maxfield • Robert McCarthy • Verne McLaughlin • Jack McNulty • Richard Mendoza

[Column 6:]

Robert Mendoza • Raymond Miles • William Miles • Marvin Miller • Richard Mills • Rolf Moeller • Joseph Moffett • Joseph Montero • Thomas Montero • Antonio Morales • Arthur E. Mori • Marlon Morrill • Robert Moustris • Donald Muir • Alexander Munoz • Jerry Dale Murrill • John Moore • Robert Morrill • Earl Morrill • Ralph Navarro • Kathleen Nelson • Herbert Nitta

William O'Briant • Marlin Pete O'Donnell • Elvert Oesi • William Orsolini • Dale Owens

Robert Palo • Harvey Pace • William Pace • Benjamin Padilla • Julian Padilla • Charles Pagel • Robert Palos • Rudolph Palos • Toby Palos • Ronald Paolini • Owen Paulson

[Column 7:]

Frederick Penny • Thomas Perry • Allen Phillips • Chris S. Piches • Sam Priches • Jerry Pickering • Daniel Pinenter • Perry Plantz • Glenn Poole • Jack Potts • John Pugh • Jack Parcell • Jack O. Poulsen

Clifford Rankin • Joseph Raco • Manuel Ramirez • Font Rice • George Riolo • Peter Riolo • Clifford Roberts • James Robinson • Georgeann Rodoni • Alfred Rodriguez Jr. • Jerry Roskelley • Roy Rossi • David Royer • Harold Ruggles • Emillio Ruiz

F. Richard Saathoff • Ray Sakata • Antonio Sanchez • William Sawtell • Robert Seawell • Frank Segarra • Joseph Segarra • Olin Shephard • Glenn Simpson • Robert Solis • Paul Stamas • Peter Stamas • Jerome Stark

[Column 8:]

George D. Stoddard • Francis Stoffels • Robert Streets • Garth Stull • John Sugden • Ralph Suter •

James Swift

Clarence Terhune • Ronald Terry • Robert Thayne • John Thomas • Joan Thomas • Thelma Thomas • Paul Turner Daniel Tyler

David Uribe

David A. Watts • Dale Vanderholff • Humberto Vargas • Daniel Venturi • Victor Viani • Matt Vuketich • Peter Vuketich • Tony Vuketich • Royce Walker • Leroy Wicks • Leo Walthour • Melvin J. Ward • Eugene Watson • Layle E. Weeks • Donald Wiggins • James Wilbur • Arthur Williams • Olester Williams • Albert F. Wilson • Ronald G. Wolff • Robert Wright • Thomas Wukman

Marker can be reached from Maidu Road east of Rocky Ridge Road, on the left when traveling east.


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