Saint Michael World War II Honor Roll

This memorial has been

erected and dedicated

by the grateful citizens

of this community

in humble recognition

of the devotion to

duty and sacrifices of

our veterans of

World War II

[Honor Roll of Veterans]

[Those killed in action or died in service]

Charles J. Blozevich · Steve Dusik · Joseph Franko

Joseph Hinebaugh · William R. Margo

John M. McGinty · William A. McKnight · Walter Pallas

Paul Palyocsik · Robert I. Patterson · Frank L. Progar

[In later keystone at top]

In memory of the men and women

from the St. Michael area

who served our country

gallantly in all wars

Marker is at the intersection of Locust Street and WPA, on the right when traveling south on Locust Street.


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