Santee National Wildlife Refuge

This land...

inhabited by Native Americans.

This site, once occupied by Native Americans, was a major ceremonial

center for the surrounding area. The Santee Indian mound is typical of

pyramidal, flat-topped mounds that are widely distributed throughout

the eastern United States. The mound served as an earthern

platform for a temple constructed of upright posts and woven sticks,

then plastered with mud. Roofs were thatched with straw.

The temples were usually the central features of ceremonial centers

that may have included smaller but similar mounds with secondary

temples or mortuary houses and round burial mounds. Historical

documents and archaeological investigations indicate that these

ceremonial centers often served as major religious and political centers,

with villages and farmsteads spreading many miles from the center.

Through archeological digs, evidence indicates that the mound was

also used for burials.

Archaeologists suspect construction of this ceremonial center on the

Santee River was begun sometime between 1200 AD and 1400 AD, and

that it represents the eastern extension of the mound building culture.

The importance of this ceremonial center is greater than just one site.

The mound complex, the largest ceremonial center yet discovered on

the coastal plain, represents a hub of late prehistoric activity in the area.

Through research here and at other sites, we may be able to one day

outline the features of an entire culture.

[ Included 2 - 16th Century John White Native American Drawings]

(Center Text)

...outpost for the British.

Fort Watson was a small British outpost strategically located near the

Santee River and the overland roads connecting the coast to the interior

of the state. The location provided protection for British supply routes

from Charleston to their fortifications at Camden. Built on top of the

Indian mound, the fort was constructed by British Colonel John W.T.

Watson and occupied between December, 1780 and April, 1781.

The American General Francis Marion, [ Picture included] the famous

"Swamp Fox, and Colonel "Light Horse" Harry Lee were directed to

"occupy all the passes of the rivers" and take control of the British

supply lines. The American patriots arrived at Fort Watson on April 15, 1781,

and immediately cut off the fort from in-coming supplies. The British,

caught off guard, had more than one hundred twenty men trapped in the

small fort without provisions.

With neither the Americans nor the British having artillery power, the

battle was a stalemate for several days. Frustrated at attempts to force

the ememy to surrender, Major Hezekiah Maham of Marion's forces

suggested a log tower to be constructed from which riflemen could

fire down into the fort and force British soldiers to abandon their positions.

Construction of "Maham's Tower" was begun on April 21 and

completed in two days. At this point in the battle the fort was

vulnerable to the concentrated attack by the Americans at any time.

With their defenses breached and on the verge of being stormed by the

enemy, the British Garrison Commander, Lieutenant James McKay,

surrendered on the afternoon of April 23, ending the eight day siege.

[Included picture: Harry "Lighthorse Harry" Lee]

Even though the action at Fort Watson lasted only eight days, it was

however, an important American victory. The loss of this post made

the already tenuous British supply lines to the upcountry less

defensible. The fall of Fort Watson was an important link in the chain of

events that made the British authorities abandon the back country

of South Carolina.

(Right text)

... dedicated to wildness.

The Santee National Wildlife Refuge was established in 1942 and is

located in Clarendon County, South Carolina. This 15,000 acre refuge

lies within the Atlantic Coastal Plain and consists of mixed hardwoods,

mixed pine-hardwoods, pine plantations, marsh, croplands, old fields,

ponds and open water. This tremendous diversity of habitat supports

many kinds of wildlife. The four management units of the refuge stretch

over 18 miles along the northern side of Santee Cooper's Lake Marion.

A myriad of wildlife species inhabit the varied landscape of Santee.

During the winter months, the bald eagle and occasionally the

endangered peregrine falcon can be seen. From November through

February migrating waterfowl such as mallards, pintails, teal, wood

ducks and Canada geeese [sketch included] may be seen.Throughout

the year red-tailed and red-shouldered hawks can be viewed soaring

overhead, as can a variety of songbirds in the trees.

The refuge provides a home for white-tailed deer and other woodland

creatures such as raccoons,squirrels and bobcats. The ponds and

marches are haven for alligators plus a number of other reptiles and


Santee offers a variety of outdoor activities for the refuge visitor.

Information on activities may be obtained from the Santee Visitor

Center. The Center provides an excellent opportunity for the visitor

to become acquainted with the refuge before venturing out.

Santee National Wildlife Refuge is one of over 500 refuges in the

National Wildlife Refuge System. The mission of the system is to

preserve a national network of lands and waters for the conservation

and management of fish, wildlife and plant resources of the United

States for the benefit of present and future generations. The

Refuge System encompasses over 92 million acres administered

by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, an agency of the Department

of the Interior.

Marker is on Fort Watson Road (South Carolina Route 14-803), in the median.


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