Scarsdale Bicentennial Time Capsule

Bicentennial Time Capsule

On 7 March, 1788, under enactment of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York, that portion of the County of Westchester called the Manor of Scarsdale was erected into a town, by the name of Scarsdale.

As part of the Bicentennial celebration marking the creation of the Town of Scarsdale, in October 1988 a Time Capsule containing items representative of the Town of Scarsdale in 1988 was buried beneath this plaque.

The Town Board of Scarsdale requests that the Time Capsule buried hereunder not be exhumed until the year 2088.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of White Plains Road (New York Route 22) and Crane Road, on the left when traveling north.


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